Game Maker’s major updates

Game Maker, a well-known game development tool, has gone through many updates and improvements since its introduction. Here are the major updates and innovations that have significantly affected the functionality and features of this software.

Game Maker Studio 2

  • Updated Interface. Completely redesigned user interface that is more intuitive and easier to use.
  • Drag-and-drop system. Improved drag-and-drop system for creating games without having to write code, which is especially useful for novice developers.
  • Object Editor. A new object editor that makes it easy to create and edit game objects.
  • Tile Editor. A built-in tile editor that makes it easy to create and manage game levels.
  • Cross-platform support. Support for creating games for multiple platforms including Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android, HTML5, PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch.

Game Maker Language (GML).

  • Enhanced features. Updates to the GML programming language to include improved performance and new features.
  • GML Visual support. A visual programming tool that allows developers to create code using visual elements, simplifying the process of creating game logic.

Graphics and Animation

  • New Sprite Editor. Improved sprite editor with advanced features for creating and editing graphics.
  • Support for skeleton animation. Ability to create and use skeletal animations, allowing you to create more complex and realistic character animations.

Physics engine

  • Built-in physics. Integration of the Box2D physics engine, which provides realistic behaviour of objects in the game, including collisions, gravity and friction.
  • Improved physics tools. Tools to customise physical properties of objects such as mass, force and drag.


  • Audio engine. Powerful audio engine with support for effects, multi-channel audio and spatial audio.
  • Audio Editor. Tools for creating and editing audio effects and music tracks.


  • Networking capabilities. Improved tools for developing multiplayer games, including support for network protocols and data synchronisation.

Integration with external services

  • API support. Ability to integrate with a variety of external services and APIs such as advertising networks, analytics platforms, and social networks.
  • Cloud storage. Cloud storage tools, allowing you to save your progress and game data on remote servers.

Optimisation and performance

  • Improved performance. Engine optimisation to ensure high performance on all supported platforms.
  • Multithreading support. Ability to use multithreading to improve performance of complex game projects.

Community and Support

  • Updates and Patches. Regular updates and patches to ensure software stability and security.
  • Training materials.A wide range of training materials, including official documentation, video tutorials, and sample projects to help developers get to grips with Game Maker.

These updates and improvements make Game Maker a powerful game creation tool suitable for beginners and experienced developers alike.